

"A man's heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps."
(Proverbs 16:9)

After several days of burning the midnight oil, I felt about ready to drop.  I called the friend who rides to church with me on Sundays and told her I would not be going because I badly needed just one day where I could go to sleep and not have to wake up again until my body woke me up.  She agreed that it  was a good idea, and assured me that everybody needs such a day once in a while.

So last night, anticipating the wonders of being able to sleep in as late as I wanted to, I pushed myself to work until 3:45 AM before crawling into bed.  However, it was not my well-rested body that woke me up late this morning.  It was the ringing of my telephone, barely three and a half hours after I had fallen asleep.  I was so groggy I didn't even know who I was talking to, but by the time we hung up I was fully awake and aware that the call had been the Lord's alarm clock.

My flesh rebelled all the way to church, but by the end of the service I was so glad I hadn't missed it.  The praise and worship was awesome, I was needed in the prayer room because the people who were supposed to be there hadn't showed up, and we got to see this very special video clip.